Blogging & Tweeting for Students

This page will form a guide for teachers wanting to blog and tweet for their students

10 Commandments for Tweeting Teachers (Tweachers):
1 - Don't use your personal account for school; don't use your school account for personal.
2 - Don't follow students back - even if you are desperate to find out the latest Justin Bieber news.
3 - Don't just endlessly RT - it's boring.
4 - Don't just RT any old thing - you need to check it, read it and make sure it is suitable.
5 - Don't be available 24/7 - it's okay to take some time off as a teacher.
6 - Don't DM students - the good thing about Twitter is that it is very transparent.
7 - Don't use long, boring hashtags - it's not cool. Do add inconspicuous subject tags though – i.e. #REteacher
8 - Don't just post links - why should I click on it?
9 - Don't assume that just because you Tweeted it, and students follow you, that they'll read it.
10 - Don't be a boring Tweeter - sometimes it okay to say something a little fun!

Blog's for Students:
Podcasting for Students:
#TMLondon (11/12/12) Presentation:

#TMEssex (18/03/13) Presentation:

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